Thermodynamics Experiment

Semester II 2019-2020 Experiments

Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Electromagnetic (TLM) provide list of experiments related to thermodynamics topics. Here are the experiment modules provided in Semester II 2019-2020 academic year:

1.Hot-air engine used for determining the efficiency of the hot-air engine – module-1 link ; Video experiment

In this experiment we use Leybold Didactic P2.6.2.2 experiment set – brochure

2.Observing the phase transition between the liquid and the gas phase at the critical point – module-2 link ; video experiment

In this experiment we use Leybold Didactic P2.4.3.1 experiment set – brochure

3.Hot-air engine for measuring frictional losses in the hot-air engine (calorific determination) – module-4 link ; video experiment

In this experiment we use Leybold Didactic P2.6.2.1 experiment set – brochure

Previous Semester Experiments

Since Semester II 2014-2015 TLM lab has provides a number of experiments for FI3102 Thermal Physics, and FI3104 Experiment Physics II classes. Those experiment that are not mentioned in the above section are the following:

A.Analyzing the cyclical process of the heat pump with the Mollier diagram – module link

In this experiment we use Leybold Didactic P2.6.3.3 experiment set – brochure

B.Velocity of molecules and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function – module link

In this experiment we use PHYWE P2320300 experiment set – brochure

New Experiment Modules Planned For Next Semester

In Januari 2020, TLM Lab receive a thermal expansion of solids experiment set (see the equipment here). This experiment set alongside the previously owned set will be develop for new experiment modules for the next semester, The planned new module are

  1. Leybold Didactic P2.1.1.2 Measuring using the expansion apparatus – brochure
  2. Leybold Didactic P2.6.2.4 Hot-air engine as a heat engine: Recording and evaluating the pV diagram with CASSY – brochure
  3. Leybold Didactic P2.6.3.1 Determining the efficiency of the heat pump as a function of the temperature differential – brochure
  4. Leybold Didactic P2.6.3.2 Investigating the function of the expansion valve of the heat pump – brochure
  5. Leybold Didactic P2.6.2.3 Determining the efficiency of the hot-air engine as a refrigerator – brochure

hmahardi, 10-11-2020